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oreilly-kubernetes-operators PDF 下载

时间:2020-06-30 17:29来源: 作者:小锋  侵权举报
oreilly-kubernetes-operators PDF 下载
oreilly-kubernetes-operators PDF 下载


Kubernetes application is not only deployed on Kubernetes, it is designed to use and
to operate in concert with Kubernetes facilities and tools.
An Operator builds on Kubernetes abstractions to automate the entire lifecycle of the
software it manages. Because they extend Kubernetes, Operators provide application￾specific automation in terms familiar to a large and growing community. For applica‐
tion programmers, Operators make it easier to deploy and run the foundation
services on which their apps depend. For infrastructure engineers and vendors, Oper‐
ators provide a consistent way to distribute software on Kubernetes clusters and
reduce support burdens by identifying and correcting application problems before
the pager beeps.
Before we begin to describe how Operators do these jobs, let’s define a few Kuber‐
netes terms to provide context and a shared language to describe Operator concepts
and components.
How Kubernetes Works
Kubernetes automates the lifecycle of a stateless application, such as a static web
server. Without state, any instances of an application are interchangeable. This simple
web server retrieves files and sends them on to a visitor’s browser. Because the server
is not tracking state or storing input or data of any kind, when one server instance
fails, Kubernetes can replace it with another. Kubernetes refers to these instances,
each a copy of an application running on the cluster, as replicas.
A Kubernetes cluster is a collection of computers, called nodes. All cluster work runs
on one, some, or all of a cluster’s nodes. The basic unit of work, and of replication, is
the pod. A pod is a group of one or more Linux containers with common resources
like networking, storage, and access to shared memory.
The Kubernetes pod documentation is a good starting point for
more information about the pod abstraction.
At a high level, a Kubernetes cluster can be divided into two planes. The control plane
is, in simple terms, Kubernetes itself. A collection of pods comprises the control plane
and implements the Kubernetes application programming interface (API) and cluster
orchestration logic.
The application plane, or data plane, is everything else. It is the group of nodes where
application pods run. One or more nodes are usually dedicated to running applica‐
tions, while one or more nodes are often sequestered to run only control plane pods.
As with application pods, multiple replicas of control plane components can run on
multiple controller nodes to provide redundancy.
The controllers of the control plane implement control loops that repeatedly compare
the desired state of the cluster to its actual state. When the two diverge, a controller
takes action to make them match. Operators extend this behavior. The schematic in
Figure 1-1 shows the major control plane components, with worker nodes running
application workloads.
While a strict division between the control and application planes is a convenient
mental model and a common way to deploy a Kubernetes cluster to segregate work‐
loads, the control plane components are a collection of pods running on nodes, like
any other application. In small clusters, control plane components are often sharing
the same node or two with application workloads.
The conceptual model of a cordoned control plane isn’t quite so tidy, either. The kube
let agent running on every node is part of the control plane, for example. Likewise, an
Operator is a type of controller, usually thought of as a control plane component.
Operators can blur this distinct border between planes, however. Treating the control
and application planes as isolated domains is a helpful simplifying abstraction, not an
absolute truth.
2 | Chapter 1: Operators Teach Kubernetes New Tricks
Figure 1-1. Kubernetes control plane and worker nodes
Example: Stateless Web Server
Since you haven’t set up a cluster yet, the examples in this chapter are more like ter‐
minal excerpt “screenshots” that show what basic interactions between Kubernetes
and an application look like. You are not expected to execute these commands as you
are those throughout the rest of the book. In this first example, Kubernetes manages a
relatively simple application and no Operators are involved.
Consider a cluster running a single replica of a stateless, static web server:
$ kubectl get pods
staticweb-69ccd6d6c-9mr8l 1/1 Running 0 23s
After declaring there should be three replicas, the cluster’s actual state differs from
the desired state, and Kubernetes starts two new instances of the web server to recon‐
cile the two, scaling the web server deployment:
Example: Stateless Web Server | 3
$ kubectl scale deployment staticweb --replicas=3
$ kubectl get pods
staticweb-69ccd6d6c-4tdhk 1/1 Running 0 6s
staticweb-69ccd6d6c-9mr8l 1/1 Running 0 100s
staticweb-69ccd6d6c-m9qc7 1/1 Running 0 6s
Deleting one of the web server pods triggers work in the control plane to restore the
desired state of three replicas. Kubernetes starts a new pod to replace the deleted one.
In this excerpt, the replacement pod shows a STATUS of ContainerCreating:
$ kubectl delete pod staticweb-69ccd6d6c-9mr8l
$ kubectl get pods
staticweb-69ccd6d6c-4tdhk 1/1 Running 0 2m8s
staticweb-69ccd6d6c-bk27p 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 14s
staticweb-69ccd6d6c-m9qc7 1/1 Running 0 2m8s
This static site’s web server is interchangeable with any other replica, or with a new
pod that replaces one of the replicas. It doesn’t store data or maintain state in any way.
Kubernetes doesn’t need to make any special arrangements to replace a failed pod, or
to scale the application by adding or removing replicas of the server.
Stateful Is Hard
Most applications have state. They also have particulars of startup, component inter‐
dependence, and configuration. They often have their own notion of what “cluster”
means. They need to reliably store critical and sometimes voluminous data. Those are
just three of the dimensions in which real-world applications must maintain state. It
would be ideal to manage these applications with uniform mechanisms while auto‐
mating their complex storage, networking, and cluster connection requirements.
Kubernetes cannot know all about every stateful, complex, clustered application while
also remaining general, adaptable, and simple. It aims instead to provide a set of flexi‐
ble abstractions, covering the basic application concepts of scheduling, replication,
and failover automation, while providing a clean extension mechanism for more
advanced or application-specific operations. Kubernetes, on its own, does not and
should not know the configuration values for, say, a PostgreSQL database cluster, with
its arranged memberships and stateful, persistent storage.
Operators Are Software SREs
Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) is a set of patterns and principles for running large
systems. Originating at Google, SRE has had a pronounced influence on industry
practice. Practitioners must interpret and apply SRE philosophy to particular circum‐
stances, but a key tenet is automating systems administration by writing software to
4 | Chapter 1: Operators Teach Kubernetes New Tricks
run your software. Teams freed from rote maintenance work have more time to cre‐
ate new features, fix bugs, and generally improve their products.
An Operator is like an automated Site Reliability Engineer for its application. It enco‐
des in software the skills of an expert administrator. An Operator can manage a clus‐
ter of database servers, for example. It knows the details of configuring and managing
its application, and it can install a database cluster of a declared software version and
number of members. An Operator continues to monitor its application as it runs, and
can back up data, recover from failures, and upgrade the application over time, auto‐
matically. Cluster users employ kubectl and other standard tools to work with Oper‐
ators and the applications they manage, because Operators extend Kubernetes.
How Operators Work
Operators work by extending the Kubernetes control plane and API. In its simplest
form, an Operator adds an endpoint to the Kubernetes API, called a custom resource
(CR), along with a control plane component that monitors and maintains resources
of the new type. This Operator can then take action based on the resource’s state. This
is illustrated in Figure 1-2.
Figure 1-2. Operators are custom controllers watching a custom resource
How Operators Work | 5
Kubernetes CRs
CRs are the API extension mechanism in Kubernetes. A custom resource definition
(CRD) defines a CR; it’s analogous to a schema for the CR data. Unlike members of
the official API, a given CRD doesn’t exist on every Kubernetes cluster. CRDs extend
the API of the particular cluster where they are defined. CRs provide endpoints for
reading and writing structured data. A cluster user can interact with CRs with
kubectl or another Kubernetes client, just like any other API resource.
How Operators Are Made
Kubernetes compares a set of resources to reality; that is, the running state of the
cluster. It takes actions to make reality match the desired state described by those
resources. Operators extend that pattern to specific applications on specific clusters.
An Operator is a custom Kubernetes controller watching a CR type and taking
application-specific actions to make reality match the spec in that resource.
Making an Operator means creating a CRD and providing a program that runs in a
loop watching CRs of that kind. What the Operator does in response to changes in
the CR is specific to the application the Operator manages. The actions an Operator
performs can include almost anything: scaling a complex app, application version
upgrades, or even managing kernel modules for nodes in a computational cluster
with specialized hardware.
Example: The etcd Operator
etcd is a distributed key-value store. In other words, it’s a kind of lightweight database
cluster. An etcd cluster usually requires a knowledgeable administrator to manage it.
An etcd administrator must know how to:
• Join a new node to an etcd cluster, including configuring its endpoints, making
connections to persistent storage, and making existing members aware of it.
• Back up the etcd cluster data and configuration.
• Upgrade the etcd cluster to new etcd versions.
The etcd Operator knows how to perform those tasks. An Operator knows about its
application’s internal state, and takes regular action to align that state with the desired
state expressed in the specification of one or more custom resources.
As in the previous example, the shell excerpts that follow are illustrative, and you
won’t be able to execute them without prior setup. You’ll do that setup and run an
Operator in Chapte




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