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powerdesigner详细使用手册 PDF 下载

时间:2020-07-19 11:31来源: 作者:小锋  侵权举报
powerdesigner详细使用手册 PDF 下载
powerdesigner详细使用手册 PDF 下载


1 PowerDesigner Resource Files
The SAP® PowerDesigner® modeling environment is powered by XML-format resource files, which define the 
objects available in each model along with the methods for generating and reverse-engineering them. You can 
view, copy, and edit the provided resource files and create your own in order to customize and extend the 
behavior of the environment.
The following types of resource files, based on or extending the PowerDesigner public metamodel are provided:
● Definition file: customize the metamodel to define the objects available for a specific DBMS or language:
○ DBMS definition files (.xdb) - define a specific DBMS in the PDM (see DBMS Definition Files [page 139]).
○ Process, object, and XML language definition files (.xpl, .xol, and .xsl) – define a specific language in the 
BPM, OOM, or XSM (see Object, Process, and XML Language Definition Files [page 127]).
● Extension files (.xem) – extend the standard definitions of target languages to, for example, specify a 
persistence framework or server in an OOM. You can create or attach one or more XEMs to a model (see 
Extension Files [page 18]).
● Report templates (.rtp) - specify the structure of a report. Editable within the Report Template Editor (see 
Core Features Guide > Modeling with PowerDesigner > Reports).
● Report language files (.xrl) – translate the headings and other standard text in a report (see Translating 
Reports with Report Language Files [page 310]).
● Impact and lineage analysis rule sets (.rul) - specify the rules defined for generating impact and lineage 
analyses (see Core Features Guide > Linking and Synchronizing Models > Impact and Lineage Analysis).
● Object permission profiles (.ppf) - customize the PowerDesigner interface to hide models, objects, and 
properties (see Core Features Guide > Administering PowerDesigner > Customizing the PowerDesigner 
Interface > Using Profiles to Control the PowerDesigner Interface).
● User profiles (.upf) - store preferences for model options, general options, display preferences, etc (see Core 
Features Guide > Modeling with PowerDesigner > Customizing Your Modeling Environment > User Profiles).
● Model category sets (.mcc) - customize the New Model dialog to guide model creation (see Core Features 
Guide > Administering PowerDesigner > Customizing the PowerDesigner Interface > Customizing the New 
Model Dialog).
● Conversion tables (.csv) - define conversions between the name and code of an object (see Core Features 
Guide > Modeling with PowerDesigner > Objects > Naming Conventions).
You can review all the available resource files from the lists of resource files, available by selecting Tools
Resources <type> .
The following tools are available on each resource file list:
Table 1:
Tool Description
Properties - Opens the resource file in the Resource Editor.
New - Creates a new resource file using an existing file as a model (see Creating and Copying Resource Files 
[page 14]).
Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner
PowerDesigner Resource Files © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 9
Tool Description
Save - Saves the selected resource file.
Save All - Saves all the resource files in the list.
Path - Specifies the directories that PowerDesigenr should search to populate the list (see Specifying Directories 
to Search for Resource Files [page 15]).
Compare - Selects two resource files for comparison.
Merge - Selects two resource files for merging.
Check In - [if the repository is installed] Checks the selected resource file into the repository. For information 
about storing your resource files in the repository, see Core Features Guide > Administering PowerDesigner > De￾ploying an Enterprise Glossary and Library.
Update from Repository - [if the repository is installed] Checks out a version of the selected file from the reposi￾tory to your local machine.
Compare with Repository - [if the repository is installed] Compares the selected file with a resource file stored in 
the repository.
1.1 Opening Resource Files in the Editor
When working with a BPM, PDM, OOM, or XSM, you can open the definition file that controls the objects available 
in your model in the Resource Editor for viewing and editing. You can also open and edit any extension files 
currently attached to or embedded in your model or access the appropriate list of resource files and open any 
PowerDesigner resource file.
To open the definition file currently used by your model:
● In a PDM, select Database Edit Current DBMS . ● In a BPM, select Language Edit Current Process Language . ● In an OOM, select Language Edit Current Object Language . ● In an XSM, select Language Edit Current Language .
To open any extension file currently attached to your model, double-click its entry inside the Extensions category 
in the Browser.
To open any other resource file, select Tools Resources <Type > to open the relevant resource file list, 
select a file in the list, and then click the Properties tool.
In each case, the file opens in the Resource Editor, in which you can review and edit the structure of the resource. 
The left-hand pane shows a tree view of the entries contained within the resource file, and the right-hand pane 
displays the properties of the currently-selected element:
10 © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner
PowerDesigner Resource Files
You should never modify the resource files shipped with PowerDesigner. If you want to modify a file, create a 
copy using the New tool (see Creating and Copying Resource Files [page 14]).
Each entry is a part of the definition of a resource file, and entries are organized into logical categories. For 
example, the Script category in a DBMS language file collects together all the entries relating to database 
generation and reverse engineering.
You can drag and drop categories or entries in the tree view of the resource editor and also between two resource 
editors of the same type (for example two XOL editors).
Some resource files are delivered with "Not Certified" in their names. We will perform all possible validation 
checks, but we do not maintain specific environments to fully certify these resource files. We will support them 
by accepting bug reports and providing fixes as per standard policy, with the exception that there will be no 
final environmental validation of the fix. You are invited to assist us by testing fixes and reporting any 
continuing inconsistencies.
1.2 Navigating and Searching in Resource Files
The tools at the top of the Resource Editor help you to navigate through and search in the resource file.




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