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Android Espresso Revealed PDF 下载

时间:2020-06-02 17:07来源: 作者:小锋  侵权举报
Android Espresso Revealed PDF 下载
Android Espresso Revealed PDF 下载


Chapter Overview
Chapter 1: Getting Started with Espresso for Android
This chapter describes the basics of Espresso. It defines goals and approaches of user 
interface testing and provides examples for setting up tests inside the Android Studio 
IDE project. It also explains how to identify Android application UI elements, perform 
actions and assertions, and apply matchers to them. At the end of this chapter, you will 
be able to write simple tests and execute them from inside the Android Studio IDE on the 
device or emulator. It also includes examples for how to run tests using Gradle or shell 
Chapter 2: Customizing Espresso for Our Needs
With more advanced examples, you will learn how to implement a custom ViewAction, 
including clicks and swiping actions; and a ViewMatcher, such as matching complex 
views as RecyclerView matchers. You will learn how to use custom actions and 
matchers, implement a custom FailureHandler with the possibility to take and save 
screenshots upon failure.
Chapter 3: Writing Espresso Tests with Kotlin
This chapter gives an overview of the benefits of using the Kotlin programming language 
in tests and explains how to migrate tests written in Java to Kotlin. It also provides an 
example of creating an Espresso domain specific language in Kotlin.
Chapter 4: Handling Network Operations and  
Asynchronous Actions
This chapter explains how to handle application network requests and long-lasting 
operations during test execution with the help of the IdlingResource interface. It 
provides an example of using ConditionalWatcher as an alternative to IdlingResource.
Chapter 5: Verifying and Stubbing Intents with  
This chapter explains using IntentMatchers inside an application as well as how to stub 
external intents and provide extras. A good example of an external intent is selecting an 
image from the photo gallery, which then can be used by the application you’re testing.
Chapter 6: Testing Web Views
This chapter covers testing WebViews inside an application. Implemented WebViews
showcase different UI elements that the Espresso-Web API is able to operate on. You will 
be provided an Espresso-Web cheat sheet as part of the book’s content.
Chapter 7: Accessibility Testing
This chapter unleashes the topic of how to test application accessibility using Espresso 
for Android. It raises awareness about the importance of accessibility testing and 
provides an overview of manual tools that can be used to test application accessibility.
Chapter 8: Espresso and UI Automator: 
The Perfect Tandem
This chapter explains one of the most powerful test automation setups for Android, 
which combines the Espresso test framework with the UI Automator testing tool. 
Examples show how to test notifications or operate on third-party apps during Espresso 
tests execution.
Chapter 9: Dealing with Runtime System Actions and  
This chapter explains different ways that you can deal with system actions like 
permission request dialogs and describes possible solutions for changing the Android 
emulator system language programmatically.
Chapter 10: Android Test Automation Tooling
After reading this chapter, you will understand how to use the Espresso test recorder, 
set up a test device or emulator to minimize test flakiness, and run tests in the Firebase 
Chapter 11: Screen Object Design Pattern in 
Android UI Tests
This chapter shows you how to apply the screen object (the same as page object) 
architecture approach to the test project, which allows you to reduce the maintenance 
effort spent on reworking tests after changes in the application’s source code.
Chapter 12: Testing the Robot Pattern with Espresso 
and Kotlin
In this chapter, you learn how to apply a testing robot pattern that splits the test 
implementation from the business logic to the Espresso UI tests.
Chapter 13: Supervised Monkey Tests with Espresso 
and UI Automator
This chapter shows how to implement supervised pseudo-monkey tests using Espresso 
and UI Automator, which can be applicable to applications whose source code you have 
access to as well as to third-party applications.
Chapter 14: AndroidX Test Library
This chapter demonstrates how to migrate test code from Android support to the 
AndroidX Test library. You will find information about new APIs introduced in the 
AndroidX Test library and see how they can be applied to UI tests.
Chapter 15: Improving Productivity and Testing Unusual 
This chapter contains code samples that were not covered in the other chapters and 
Espresso testing tips that may increase your daily test writing productivity. This includes 
creating parameterized tests, aggregating tests into test suites, using AndroidStudio 
Live templates in UI tests, setting SeekBar progress in Espresso UI tests, and Espresso 
Drawable matchers topics.
What This Book Doesn’t Cover
The goal of the book is to create a guide for how to write end-to-end UI automated tests 
for Android applications without mocking or stubbing application dependencies. From 
my point of view, this is the closest way to reproduce end user behavior. The book does 
not explain how to mock application data and network connection requests or bypass 
some states in the application workflow.
Tools Requirements
To be able to work with this book, you need to have at least a basic knowledge in working 
with such tools and platforms as Android Studio IDE, Gradle, GitHub, and shell/bash. In 
most cases, I explain how to configure your IDE and note which commands should be 
used to run the specific scripts.
Legal Notice
This book contains code, documentation, and images taken from the Android 
developers page at They are covered by the Apache 
2.0 License ( mentioned in Appendix C.
Getting Started with 
Espresso for Android
Espresso for Android is a lightweight, fast, and customizable Android testing framework, 
designed to provide concise and reliable automated UI tests. At the end of October 
2013, Espresso was open sourced by Google after it was announced at the Google Test 
Automation Conference. From that moment it has been gaining popularity across 
Android software and test engineers. Now it is the most popular testing framework for 
the Android platform because its features and development are driven by Google and 
the Android Open Source community.
This chapter describes Espresso’s basics—the core components of the Espresso 
testing framework that are used in test automation to replicate the end user behavior. 
This includes locating application UI elements on the screen and operating on them.
Espresso includes the following packages:
• espresso-core—Contains core and basic view matchers, actions, 
and assertions.
• espresso-contrib—External contributions that contain DatePicker, 
RecyclerView, and Drawer actions, accessibility checks, and the 
CountingIdlingResource. • espresso-intents—Extensions to validate and stub intents for 
hermetic testing.
• espresso-idling-resource—Espresso’s mechanism for 
synchronizing background jobs.
• espresso-remote—Location of Espresso’s multi-process functionality.
• espresso-web—Contains resources for WebView support.





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